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Acclaimed Polish writer to document Arctic research expedition

03.06.2024 23:30
Award-winning Polish author Zygmunt Miłoszewski will be keeping a logbook for a thrilling scientific expedition to the Arctic Circle.
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Pixabay LicenseImage by Tommy Andreassen from Pixabay

On Monday, two Polish research vessels set sail for a month-long voyage to the Arctic Circle with plans to explore marine life, state news agency PAP reported.

The two ships are the University of Gdańsk’s Oceanograf and the Polish Academy of Sciences' Oceania, according to a statement by the University of Gdańsk in northern Poland.

The expedition aims to track the flow of water from the Baltic Sea to the Arctic and investigate the fate of chemical substances, potential pollutants such as microplastics and heavy metals, and living organisms, the statement said.

Research and observations will be conducted concurrently on both vessels. Scientists plan to measure seawater properties and aerosols, and collect water samples and marine organisms for further laboratory analysis.

Miłoszewski, an acclaimed author of crime novels, will document his perspective on the scientists' activities, life on the ship and various events by keeping a log of the expedition.

"I believe that scientists and writers share the trait of having an adventurous spirit, despite seemingly spending our lives hunched over papers,” Miłoszewski said, as quoted in the statement.

He added: “To travel into the unknown, to see, discover and narrate our findings to the world ... This, combined with my love for Scandinavia and sailing, made me readily agree to join this research expedition to the Far North as a chronicler."

Miłoszewski’s biggest success so far is his third book entitled Entanglement, a crime novel published in Britain and the United States in 2010 by Bitter Lemon Press.

All of Miłoszewski's books have been translated into a number of languages, including English, French and German.

The ships are expected to return to Poland on July 5.


Source: PAP, ug.edu.pl